Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Creating time

This article I found over on zenhabits.net 
(which is one of the websites I want to add to that as-yet-unwritten article on "favorite yoga blogs") (even though it's not specifically about yoga).... this article seems an appropriate follow-up to my last post. Enjoy!

And tell me, I'm curious: what do you want to make more time for in your life?
Besides yoga. ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cutting back on classes

Hola, North Coast Yogis!

Wanted to let you all know that I am phasing out two of my three classes a week...you can still find me at the C.V. Starr Community Center at 7:00 am on Thursday mornings, where I will be pouring all of my sweetness, light and grit into a single class, for the time being.

I am getting ready to transition myself onto other things, potentially off the coast and inland to sunnier climes, but before then, I have a couple special yoga-related projects I'll be sharing with you. More on them later.

This week is your last chance for Monday night Hot Vinyasa class with me at the community favorite: Hot Yoga of Mendocino. The following week there will be a new teacher for us all to try! I'm going to miss you, my regular Monday night folks.

This week is also your last chance to restore with me on Tuesday night, 5:30 at the Redwood Health Club. It's now only $8 to drop in for yoga there. Nice deal.

Monday, April 11, 2011

a poem for you, until I can write more...

The bud
stands for all things,
even those things that don't flower,
for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing;
though sometimes it is necessary
to reteach a thing its loveliness,
to put a hand on its brow
of the flower
and retell it in words and in touch
it is lovely
until it flowers again from within, of self-blessing;
as St. Francis
put his hand on the creased forehead
of the sow, and told her in words and in touch
blessings of earth on the sow, and the sow
began remembering all down her thick length,
from the earthen snout all the way
through the fodder and slops to the spiritual curl of
the tail,
from the hard spininess spiked out from the spine
down through the great broken heart
to the blue milken dreaminess spurting and shuddering
from the fourteen teats into the fourteen mouths sucking
and blowing beneath them:
the long, perfect loveliness of sow. 
~Galway Kinnell

Friday, April 1, 2011

April rains are welcomed
by the thawing winter soil,
almost overnight
the grasses grow green.

They have waited for this moment.

Now everything in them pushes up and outward
toward the light,
seeking the freedom of growth
like a caged one caught,
finally sprung loose from captivity.

The caged ones within me
are also breaking free.
They are singing songs
and dancing in the rain.